To illustrate how at Breckenbrough we work with our students to succeed, we have shared a number of case studies
In order to illustrate how we work with our students to succeed at Breckenbrough, we compile case studies as they make their transition from the school. By recording entry points and their history in education prior to Breckenbrough, we can truly appreciate the holistic progress all our students make in overcoming their difficulties to achieve as they make their journey through the school.
For a range and variety of reasons, attendance and engagement is a key area of difficulty for many of our cohort to have to overcome. As such, we also compile case studies specifically focussed on these barriers to demonstrate how we work at Breckenbrough to support our students to attend, engage and achieve.
“My aspirations and goals for the future. I would like to do as well as I can in my GCSE’s and then do A levels. I am not quite sure what I want to study at A level as it will depend a bit on my GCSE results. After that I would like to go to university. I am not sure what I would really like to study. Maybe something science based as I am good at science or maybe history or war studies. At a Careers fair at school the idea of being sponsored by the army to do engineering and then joining the army also appealed. My dream job would be to join the Royal Marine Commandoes. Or I would like to get a good job in business.
How I need to be supported to be heard and understood I need to be in an environment where I feel safe and relaxed and respected. Where I feel people understand me and know how to help me. I don’t like being in an environment that is too big. I find it too noisy and I become overwhelmed and feel stressed and that I cannot cope.”
Extract from Case Study 2
“Y11 was a turning point for X. Whilst he continued to struggle to tolerate others, he took a step forwards in managing his intolerance and avoiding any physicality towards others. This is reflected in the fact that no exclusions were issued for the first time since X joined the school in 2011. It is important to note that X himself shared the following reflection with a member of staff: “I still want to hit people when they annoy me, but I know I can’t react like this anymore”. Throughout his time in school, the support and input from the psychologist in school has been pivotal in the success of X’s placement.”
Extract from Case Study 4
We recognise the progress X is making socially, being able to interact with other students but only within the nurturing and empathetic environment here at Breckenbrough. We are pleased with the progress his is making academically, there are still challenges to overcome which create barriers for his achievement. Namely his quite severe dyslexia (ref assessment) and his thinking which is very black and white and as a consequence he cannot see beyond what actually happens. Mum and school have worked really closely together to ensure X’s complex needs can be effectively met and that he can make accelerated progress towards his potential. It was clear at the review that the additional work both at home and school is responsible for X’s progress
EHCP Outcomes